Risamaru’s Redemption?
Woke up today to see that Up-Front had decided to dip their toes into the waters of forgiveness with a solo recording and video from former Tsubaki Factory member Risa Ogata. Nothing too crazy — no swan-dives or cannonballs — just a quick check to see if the water is worth wading into a little further. Ogata officially joined the...
Hmmm… And now Momona is leading ME:I I suspect HP scraping the bottom of the barrel is why ambitious talents…
Well! Fukumura is graduating, but only at the END of this year - LOL!
Fukumura and her cahoots are doing everything they possibly can to prolong their idoling careers. There's a certain amount of…
is yui babymetal illness radation prisoning
is yui from babymetal illness radiation thing