No Masaki
Masaki Sato Announces Her Graduation From Morning Musume. The lack of content out of the Hello! Project since the release of Angerme’s 29th single back in June finally pushed me into one of my extended breaks last month. Even the afterglow of SoloFes! 2 was short lived for me, and while the announcement of a new Tsubaki Factory single piqued...
Hmmm… And now Momona is leading ME:I I suspect HP scraping the bottom of the barrel is why ambitious talents…
Well! Fukumura is graduating, but only at the END of this year - LOL!
Fukumura and her cahoots are doing everything they possibly can to prolong their idoling careers. There's a certain amount of…
is yui babymetal illness radation prisoning
is yui from babymetal illness radiation thing